Em - Mum, i try to get you to save things but you still throw them away before i say to you
Me - Like what darling?
Em - *thinking* um i dont know like an apple maybe that i dont want all of
Me - Well we cant really save an apple darling it goes all brown and yucky
Em - *a little frustrated because this turned out to be a bad example* Well i mean like things we could send to the children.
Me - What children?
Em - The ones you told me about that dont have nice food and things
Me - *penny dropped*
I started to tell her about the shoebox appeals that happen around the UK and explained what kind of things they send and she got very excited about it and started charging round the house picking out some toys (her favorites lol) that she would be willing to send.
So i decided to do a little research and have found a 2011 Christmas shoebox appeal organised by the Samaritans and i have ordered a resorces pack and me and Emily are going to try and get 50 people to put together shoeboxes for the children in Liberia, Romania, Ukraine, Blearus, Kenya and lots of other disadvantaged countries.
I cant wait to show her the stuff when it arrives, she is going to really enjoy putting her shoeboxes together!!
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