19 Dec 2010

What a year!

Emily just asked me if i thought she would still be on Santa's Good Girl list this year, i assured her that i thought she would be and we started recalling all the times she has been exceptionally good this year and i only wish i could afford to double her present pile when i think what she has been through this year!

1) She has had to adjust to having a new baby sister on the scene
2) She had to deal with Hannah getting allot of attention when she was diagnosed
3) She had to live at Nannas for almost 6 weeks on and off when Hannah was in and out of hospital
4) She had two majour bouts of sickness and Diarrhea and was such a good girl
5) She has been in and out of Nursery and Dance Schools and never created a fuss
6) She has never had a tantrum when we had to leave somewhere she wanted to stay
7) She has given up her dummys and is fully toilet trained
8) She was a big brave girl when she had her jabs even though the memory still upsets her
9) She has helped mummy look after Hannah after her operation
10) She has reminded me and help to put Hannahs scar oil on etc

Not including things like when her poorly Guinea pig had to go back to the shop and things like that.

I cant believe what a fantastic little girl i have, i worried for 9 months about how a new addition was going to effect her but to have to deal with all she has done and still worship Hannah is amazing!

She is so protective of her, dont get me wrong she occationally has a little jellous moments but 98% of the time she is amazing with her sister.

This is a picture of the two of them side by side in the trolly at Sainsbury's, Hannah was a little tired so Emily cuddled her most of the way round the supermarket, i love these girls with everything that i am!