27 Dec 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Thanks to the crazy sub zero temperatures all our waste water pipes have frozen solid and i was a little concerned about us all being stinky nellys for Christmas day so i resorted to bathing the girls in the living room.  Emily has always enjoyed her bucket baths, it will be a sad day when she doesnt fit anymore.
Our Lovely Christmas Tree with added home made angel on the top, pretty good if i do say so myself

 Hannah's Pile
 Emily's Pile
 Emily was as excited as i hoped she would be, she really enjoyed sitting in bed and exploring her stocking which bought us enough time for a quick cup of tea.  When we came downstairs she was a little concerned that Santa had left the magic key behind, i think she thought he needed it to get into other peoples houses too.
 Hannah is up to speed with the present thing following her birthday only a couple of weeks ago, she was straight in there although she still needed allot of help from her more than willing big sister.
 EMily got lots of presents but among them was a box of 3 silver rings which she wore for the rest of the day.
 She was really excited about the box of flower fairies thank god, i had worried that after all my nights on e-bay may have been wsted but she was really pleased and kept saying "just what i wanted!"

 Hannahs favorite present was a big bag of chocolate buttons from Auntie Celia!

 Santa left a big present in the kitchen for Emily, she was really pleased with her rocking horse and every time she comes in the kitchen now she jumps on for a quick go.
 Nanna & Grandad bought her a keyboard from mothercare that we have to drag her away from when we are in the shop, she is made up with it, especially the micraphone.
 Hannah got a Rainbow Aqua-doodle and a roll arounds dino and a little piano with moving characters which she loved and was dancing to instantly.
 Later on Daddy assembled Hannah's trike and i am really please that she is perfect size for it and really liked being strapped in, i was worried she wouldnt like it as usually she does everything she can to get out of straps hehe
 EMily also got Jolina Ballerina, this gift was an afterthought when i realised she didnt have a great deal she could play with on her own without it being too small for Hannah or too loud when Hannah is napping, i had originally bought this for her birthday but im glad i gave it to her, she loves her and is taking her everywhere with her and talking to her and even letting her ride on her rocking horse!
On Boxing Day Emily invited Nanna round to watch her puppet show.

It was a really great Christmas, very magical, everything went as planned and both girls had a great couple of days, it was deffinatly worth all the stress and i cant wait till next year!

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