17 Nov 2010

My Sweet Emily

Emily is my very special friend, she is bright and intelligent, she is great fun to be around and a breath of fresh air wherever she goes, she makes me so very proud!
She is all girl, her favorite colour is pink, her favorite things are fairies magic and anything pretty.  She sees the beauty in everything and each gray cloud always has a silver lining, she is loving and gentle and kind and giving.
She is very headstrong and often comes up with very good sensible ideas or solutions to problems.

She loves going to the seaside and building Sandcastles

Her favorite drink is her morning and bedtime tea-bottles and she has to be laid just so to enjoy them. 
 She loves all animals, even spiders but especially the dogs
 She loves to explore the world around her and enjoys to learn about nature and the world we live in
 She has a bit of a shoe fetisch and i often catch her taking pictures of her shoes
 She loves her baby sister very much and takes her big sister role very seriously.  She is always looking out for her and playing with her and helping me to take care of her and gets very upset when people say they could pinch her because they cant have her shes ours!
 She loves to go to the playgound in the park no matter what the weather and is very pleased that she now has a big girl bike with two wheels and stabilizers
 She loves to dress up and make believe and her favorite game to play involves mummy making her dollys talk to her.  Her motor skills are fantastic and she builds some amazing structures with her building blocks.
Her conversational skills are that of a 5 year old, she has very deep thoughts at times and often asks very complex questions which i have to research the answers for
 She is very creative and loves art and crafts, she is very patient when she draws or paints and very good at glueing and sticking. When she colours in she takes great care to stay within the lines and is always asking me to put her latest masterpeace into her folder to save.

 Did i mention she has a bit of a thing for shoes?
 She loves my fairy ornaments and often begs to play with them, she is very very careful with them
She loves to dance and practices her moves daily, most of which she has choriographed herself.  She also loves to make up her own songs which usually include one or all of the following lyrics;
 *Beautiful Day
*My Family

 She loves make up, perfume and nail varnish (Vail narnish) and LOVES parties, if we are not invited to one for a while she will throw her own party which includes costumes, playfood, music and of course Alice her imaginary friend always attends
 She likes to travel in comfort, infact she likes comfort full stop, she is a real pest with her clothes especially seams and belts that annoy her and will strip off at any oppotunity
 She loves role play adventures with her friend Jack and they often sail the high seas in a wash basket fishing and hunting down treasure islands
 She likes to collect pretty things be it jewelery, shells, beads, marbles or conkers
 Her favorite summertime activity is the trampoline and she has mastered quite a few stunts she has picked up from watching her cousins
She is a very picky eater and eats like a sparrow, her favorite food is cheese sandwiches and pizza.
She is very sensative and hates to be chased or when people make her jump.
She is desperate to please and wants to have lots of friends.
She has a very low pain threshhold and the slightest scratch can result in high pitched screams and days of respite and magic cream.

She is a very special and rare little girl and i am so glad she is mine!

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