3 Nov 2010

Dance Class

Last lesson we asked Adele to order a leotard for Emily in the right colour as we are fairly certain she is going to continue to enjoy this school so she was very pleased to find it had arrived when we got there today, it fits her lovely with some growing room and she looked gorgeous all dressed up with her hair in a bun.

She really really enjoyed herself again, they did some excersises where they each are given a small blanket and they have to use it was butterfly wings and also Adele gave them a tiara to wear, im guessing this is some sort of posture practice.  Emily came out well hyped up having had a brilliant time and she cant wait for next week.  They also have to bring a soft toy, im not sure yet what it is used for and im still trying to get out of Emily what they do with them but Nanna bought a perfect rag doll from the car boot that nearly has the same uniform hehe

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