1 Jan 2012

Happy New Year!

This year we had a bit of a more laid back party.  Emily and Hannah love getting dressed up and having a dance and took over the living room dance floor.
 Hannah was break dancing and forcing the grown ups to join in the fun.
They both really enjoyed themselves and managed to keep going till just before midnight. Emily was so tired bless her, she had just dropped off on the setee just before the bells and was woken up by all the commotion and managed to join in for old lang syne.

We played Bingo and Pictionary and had a quiz game. Emily helped Nan & Grandad with a few questions on cartoon characters and was really pleased to be helpful and she also joined in on the girls team for pictionary and played Bingo with the grown ups and managed to find most of her own numbers and kept up and she even won a prize for 2 lines!!
After we sang the new year in we went to join the neighbours out on the street for the customary hugs kisses and to watch the fireworks go up.  I had bought the kids some fire snaps to throw on the paths and walls which kept them all happy, even the big kids.
Happy New Year!!

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