16 Oct 2011

Catching up

I have been so busy lately i have been neglecting my blogging duties so here is a quick catch up!
Hannah is all recovered from her eye operation but we are yet to notice any improvment.  We have housed a new kitten called Lilly that was living outside a restaurant, she is very scared of people, except Emily and Hannah and is now the best of friend with Talula.

Hannah loves to go on the trampoline now and has even started copying some of the stunts she sees emily doing, she is very rough and tumble!
The best and most played with item is still a cardboard box! 
Emily is enjoying school, what little she has seen of it in her first 4 weeks as she has been off sick for the most of it what with coughs colds, ear infections, etc but she has made a big impression on her teachers and class mates and has a new best friend called Holly 
Hannah adores her big sister! I mean totally adores her, she follows her everywhere and copies everything she does.  She is really missing Emily when she is out at school.  Em gets a bit stressed out at times when she cant even yawn without Hannah copying her but she copes very well 
 Emily loves to wear the same clothes as Hannah and wishes she was a twin and keeps asking me to make it so, she was very dissapointed when i explained that this is a wish i could never grant.
 Emily took part in her first school performance of "Little Boy Blue" at the harvest festival.  She did great when she remembered to join in, i could tell she was really shy and tired but she did her best bless her!
 Hannah is obsessed with Iggle Piggle, he is by far her favorite character, closely followed by Ben & Holly.  She gets really excited when either are on TV and goes and gets comfy on the setee to watch it holding her own hands like she always does.
She loves her tea bottles just like her big sis.
 Now Emily is full time at school she takes packed lunch, it doesnt seem to matter how fun i make it she never eats very much of it but as they have Milk, Fruit and lunch at school she is managing very well compared to what she usually eats.
 Hannah still has a fierce temper although the headbanging seems to be a thing of the past she can sulk for britain!
 Emily attended her very first school friend birthday party, she was very honored to be invited and was 1 of only 2 school friends invited along. It was her best friend Holly Saywoods 5th birthday and it was at Thornes Sports Arena where there was a bouncy castle, sandpit and lots of running about and being silly.  She had a brilliant time and looked very grown up in her party outfit and high heels!
 Hannah is turning into such a pretty little girl, even with her gammy eye, she has beautiful golden blonde hair that falls in curls just like her sisters did and a very cheeky smile.  She has become very loving lately and always greets me with open arms for a hug and thinks eskimo kisses are very funny!
I just love spending time with my girls, dont get me wrong there are days when all i seem to do is shout and get sick of hearing my own voice but i wouldnt change either of them for the world, they are my everything!

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