27 Oct 2011

Half Term Fun!

Emilys bestest friend ever is Alisha, which is cool because me and her mum Sara are also big mates!
Alisha is lovely, she is very polite, kind natured and a perfect friend for Em.  Her mum has been a bit poorly of late so i asked if she could come spend some times with us to help out and also because Emily gets bored not having someone her age to play with so win win!

We had planned to take the girls to the circus but as we had time to kill we went to Ikea for hotdogs and Doughnuts and then called up at Oakwell Hall Park which went down a treat!

Me and mum was really dissapointed with the circus, It was a small one and everything was way over-priced and we felt a little short changed but the girls loved it anyway.  Hannah was too busy climbing about on all the empty benches so it was a bit of a nightmare but alls well that ends well.

The following day we had Alisha again and i wanted to make it a week to remember so crammed in as much as possible into the day. After playing princesses we decided to do some painting and painting paper plates 

 When that got boring i dug out all the play-doh and we have loads! Every colour of the rainbow and hundreds of cutters but the favorite by far was the creature making set.  I divided the bits out equally as i had originally bought 2 sets anyway.  Emily makes better creatures than me!

While they was busy i set up a living room pic-nic and even used Emilys tiny tea set!

 But best of all is the suprise i set up while they was busy having their pic-nic......

Another indoor paddling pool! Alisha couldnt believe her eyes!
They had great fun playing together and a little later Hannah got up from her nap and joined them both, they are both very sweet with Hannah and mother her hehe

Emily was really sad and upset that Alisha had to go home but all in all the day was a great sucess.  I even made her a little memory book packed with photos for her to take hom to show her Mum what she had been up to :0)

24 Oct 2011

Indoor Pool!

Its Emily's first half term off school and boy do i know it!  Iv been so looking forward to having her at home with us where she belongs and all she has done since she left school on Friday afternoon is complain that she is bored!
So not to be outdone by school fun i decided we would make some memories that she will never forget ..... Like an indoor pool! hahahaha!

I filled it up with nice warm water and kept it topped up, the girls loved it and both was very well behaved and didnt flood the kitchen which had been a worry.  They stayed in for ages as it didnt get cold and there was no dead flies floating in it!

It was easy enough to empty syphoning out of the back door, i might just do it again and next time the girls are bored im seriously considering bringing in the sandpit!

16 Oct 2011

Catching up

I have been so busy lately i have been neglecting my blogging duties so here is a quick catch up!
Hannah is all recovered from her eye operation but we are yet to notice any improvment.  We have housed a new kitten called Lilly that was living outside a restaurant, she is very scared of people, except Emily and Hannah and is now the best of friend with Talula.

Hannah loves to go on the trampoline now and has even started copying some of the stunts she sees emily doing, she is very rough and tumble!
The best and most played with item is still a cardboard box! 
Emily is enjoying school, what little she has seen of it in her first 4 weeks as she has been off sick for the most of it what with coughs colds, ear infections, etc but she has made a big impression on her teachers and class mates and has a new best friend called Holly 
Hannah adores her big sister! I mean totally adores her, she follows her everywhere and copies everything she does.  She is really missing Emily when she is out at school.  Em gets a bit stressed out at times when she cant even yawn without Hannah copying her but she copes very well 
 Emily loves to wear the same clothes as Hannah and wishes she was a twin and keeps asking me to make it so, she was very dissapointed when i explained that this is a wish i could never grant.
 Emily took part in her first school performance of "Little Boy Blue" at the harvest festival.  She did great when she remembered to join in, i could tell she was really shy and tired but she did her best bless her!
 Hannah is obsessed with Iggle Piggle, he is by far her favorite character, closely followed by Ben & Holly.  She gets really excited when either are on TV and goes and gets comfy on the setee to watch it holding her own hands like she always does.
She loves her tea bottles just like her big sis.
 Now Emily is full time at school she takes packed lunch, it doesnt seem to matter how fun i make it she never eats very much of it but as they have Milk, Fruit and lunch at school she is managing very well compared to what she usually eats.
 Hannah still has a fierce temper although the headbanging seems to be a thing of the past she can sulk for britain!
 Emily attended her very first school friend birthday party, she was very honored to be invited and was 1 of only 2 school friends invited along. It was her best friend Holly Saywoods 5th birthday and it was at Thornes Sports Arena where there was a bouncy castle, sandpit and lots of running about and being silly.  She had a brilliant time and looked very grown up in her party outfit and high heels!
 Hannah is turning into such a pretty little girl, even with her gammy eye, she has beautiful golden blonde hair that falls in curls just like her sisters did and a very cheeky smile.  She has become very loving lately and always greets me with open arms for a hug and thinks eskimo kisses are very funny!
I just love spending time with my girls, dont get me wrong there are days when all i seem to do is shout and get sick of hearing my own voice but i wouldnt change either of them for the world, they are my everything!

3 Oct 2011

What a day ...

Its been a long time coming but today was Hannahs eye operation!
I was a little worried they wouldnt do it as she has the back end of a cold but they didnt seem too worried about it.
We arrived at 12:15 and it took them an hour to book her in, do checks and listen to her chest to decide if she was ok for surgery.  They asked how long i had been fasting her for so i explained i had waken her at 7am and given her breakfast and she hadnt had anything since... then i remembered ...
At about 10am i caught Hannah on her hands and knees at the dog bowl and when i pulled her up she had a dog biscuit in her mouth (she has always had a thing for Bakers Complete just like Emily always had!) So of course i told them about it but explained at most it was crumbs as she spat most of it out.
Even so as a result they put her appointment slot back 2 hours to be sure so we were both starving, fed up and mega bored by the time it was her turn.

I took her down and held her as they put her to sleep.  It was horrible as she decided to try and fight it and was thrashing about a fair bit till the gas took hold, then i had to leave.  I had been given the impression it would be an "in-out" job and i had worried i wouldnt have chance to go for a cig break but when i got back from outside i still wasnt allowed to see her for a further 45mins.  Sitting in a waiting room by yourself for 45mins is like 3 hours! I quickly regretted going alone and started getting a bit unsettled until i heard her crying down the coridoor and a nurse led me to recovery and she was passed to me.

I had imagined getting a nice sleepy cuddle as she came round but no she was throwing a massive tantrum, she was disorientated and woozy and was thrashign abotu like a drunk, kicking screaming and throwing her arms about it was horrible! and she is so strong now!

In the end i gave in and put her on the bed to fight it out by herself, every time i touched or spoke to her she went off on one again :0(

Luckily after about half an hour and some toast which  she wolfed down and some juice she guzzeled she came round properly and was trying to get down off the bed to run around.
While all this was goin on Mum collected Emily from school and she was off colour and complaining of ear-ache.  Mum and Marie took the poor little mite to the doctors and she has an ear infection and a fever and has to have 3 days off school which she is gutted about as they have just switched the play kitchen to a shop and she is desperate to play with it.

Iv put a bed up in her room and will be sleeping with her tonight to keep an eye on her