Hannah has finally started making conversation and its coming on all of a sudden like i knew it would. If you ask her a question now she babbles back at you like she really has something to say about it and is very vocal, her voice is almost exactly the same as Emily's too which gets confusing hehe
She says Yes, No, Garga (Grandad) Dog and Bubye and hums love you and she loves giving kisses and hugs whenever we leave somewhere, she purses her little lips up into a tight little pucker and give you a lovely kiss on the lips. She loves singing along to Old McDonald and How Much is That Doggy and when its her turn to bark she makes a funny little noisy grunt more like a pig heh
She is a cheeky rascal and loves to climb, she is very capable too! She is really sturdy on her feet and her balance it brilliant, she bombs about and i dont need to worry about her at all. She ADORES her big sister, absolubtly idolises her and wants to copy everything she does and often comes up to her just to stroke her face, pat her on the head and give her a kiss.
Emily and Hannah are so close and although Emily gets a little bit tired of Hannah at times she is totally unselfish with her things providing Hannah is careful and she loves giving Hannah her old toys which i always make sure is her decision, she never lets me down.
Emily loves to dress the same as Hannah, if Hannah has a dress on she will nag for one too. Emily hates wearing clothes in general but knikers and socks are by far her least favorite, any opportunity arises the socks are off and she usually takes her trips to the toilet as an opportunity to loose her knickers too hehe
Emily is such a beautifull person, so caring and loving and thoughfull, she is always telling me how much she loves me and what a good Mummy i am. She is always drawing me lovely pictures and making me cards. We play the "i love you more than.." game which is mega sweet.
She has an amazing thirst for knowledge and is always asking me questions from "why are butterflys called butterflys?" to "How do babies get out of mummys tummys?" I always make sure i answer her as honestly as possible and if i dont know the answer i will find it for her. She teaches me tonnes of things i didnt even know like that farmers used to mark their sheep with coal to tell whos was whos and that sweeping brush bristles are coconut hair!
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