20 Oct 2009

Surestart Centre

Well thanks to Nanna we have found a lovely little playgroup on a wednesday that Emily is now attending. She has only been once but loved it, iv never seen her so animated, as the group runs 1-3pm i cant make it for the first half at the moment so Nanna is taking Emily for the first half and im going as soon as i finish work at 2 but im only at work for another 2 weeks so when the group re-starts up after christmas i will be able to go along for the full session.

The children have full access to painting, water-play, roleplay area and toy kitchen, a train set, stickle bricks and plastic animals. Emily couldt wait to show me everything she had been playing with when i arrived. Then the organisers tidied up and it was snack time where the children had bread sticks chopped fruit and a yoghurt each. After snack time is song time on the carpet as a closing for the day.

Emily makes me so proud, she has such a lovely singing voice and was joining in at the top of her voice without being shy at all.

Im really pleased about the group because its a good starting base for her before i enrole her in proper nursery and gives me a chance to observe her with other children and teach her how to deal with arkward situations before i have to leave her at pre-school.

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