We were up late last night bathing Hannah in this special stuff that she has to be washed in before her operation and i was leaving her feed till as late as possible as she has to be starved 6 hours before the operation so wont get chance to have breakfast and i didnt want her upset and hungry if the operation was delayed for any reason.
The surgeon and the anethatist spent time with us sepratly yesterday evening explaining the ins and outs and the worst case scenarios and it was so scary!
Nanna came up first thing in the morning to see Hannah before she had to go down and was to spend the day with me and Steve trying to keep us busy, when the time came i carried Hannah down to theatre myself and held her on the operating bed while they held the gas mask over her face to send her to sleep, i was crying all over her, iv never been so upset in my entire life her lovely little eyes rolled as the gas took effect and she fell to sleep with her eyes still open and we were ushered out of the room.
I clung so hard to her dummy my hand was hurting, none of us knew what to say to make the other feel better so we just got on with moving our things from the cubicle to our outside accomodation that the hospital put you up in so you have a base and somewhere to nap.
Then mum finally convinced us to go for a little walk in Leeds but not too far from the hospital, it was a waiting game and could take up to 6 hours so we decided to be posative and go and buy Hannah a load of new outfits for when she was better.
After about 3 hours of trying in vain to distract ourselves we decided to go back to the room and have a cup of tea and just as we were half way through our drinks my phone went! I dived on it straight away and a nurse said "Can you come to ward 4 please the surgeon would like to speak to you", i said "Is she ok? is she there already?" she just repeated that the surgeon would like to speak to us... Talk about panic! we half ran to the main building and up the lift and burst into ward 4 (ICU) and asked to wait in a small waiting room and he would come to see us.
I cant tell you how releived i was when he came in with a smile on his face to tell us the operation had gone fantastically, she had coped extremely well and the repair had been a sucess, i couldnt hold back the sobs and just wanted to see her straight away but we had to wait as she had litterally only just been brought back up and they needed to sort stuff out before we could see her.
My poor little baby was laid there under a mass of wires and tubes with things beeping and making noises and she was a bit bloated and iv never felt so useless and helpless in my life!
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