At 3am on 8th December i went into labour 16 days early.
Lucky how things work out, Emily just happened to be at Nan's for the night as it was Daddys day off and we planned a nice lie in and a xmas shopping trip, however that was rudely interupted hehe. After labouring at home till 11am we organised for my sister Michelle to come and take over looking after Emily who at this point was still oblivious to what was going on next door and me Daddy and Nan snook off to the hospital, it must have been just before 1pm when we arrived and i was only 2cm dilated but was kept on a heart monitor as the babys heart rate kept dipping dramatically with each contraction.
At around 2pm i was moved up to the delivery suite as they had decided i was in labour (i didnt need them to tell me that!) I was hooked up to the monitor again and had to lay on my left hand side which made the contractions worse as i couldnt move around during them to ease the pain. I was in agony with ever pain so when i was offered pain releif i took it this time.
All the medical team was still talking about c-sections and wouldnt let me have anything to drink so when my mum put a wet babygrow on my forehead to cool me down i grabbed the opportunity to suck as much water out as i could, all i could taste was wash powder but it was heaven!
About 3:30pm i told the midwives i could feel the baby pushing down and felt like i needed to push, they finally gave me some gas & air at this point and called for a doctor to come and examine me, i was 5cm dilated but now getting the urge to push and with the next few pains pushed and my waters went.
All of a sudden loads of people came rushing in, there was a lady on my left asking if i had ever had a blood transfusion, someone on my right yanked my right arm in the air and rammed a canular in the back of my hand while another nurse informed everyone in the room "there is some bleeding down here doctor!"
They was preping everything to rush me to theatre!
I screamed that it was really hurting and i needed to push, they told me to breath through it as they didnt the baby to too far down in the birth canal as they wanted to take me to theatre, however on my next contraction the doctor decided to see what happened and told me i could push which i did with all my might and out flew Hannah, a beautifull tiny 4lb 9oz baby girl, perfectly healthy and in good voice and very hungry!