24 Jun 2016

It's spitting!

The girls have gone out to play in the rain... I don't think they have yet anticipated just how heavy this passing rainstorm is going to be lol
I hear a rumbling in the distance!

6 Jun 2016

Scarbados - Half Term

We just got back from a great and exhausting three nights away at Aunt Avrils flat at Scarborough. The kids had a great time. We got passes for Haven too so we got to go swimming and to the Showbar on Friday and Saturday night which was an added bonus. We have walked miles, dodged waves, had chocolate donuts, been rock pooling, eaten loads of chips, caught 8 crabs and a jelly fish, ridden the big wheel, walked barefoot down the prom, trawled every gift shop and watched people getting waved on Marine Drive from a safe warm distance 😂 we are all way too tired for this Monday thing but oh well, it's not going to be ignored eh..