31 May 2016

Bake Off Sand

The kids are playing 'Bake Off - Crem de la Crem' with moonsand making three desserts and judging each other 😂 Emily 'The presentation is terrible and I can't taste the banana filling, it's being overpowered' Hannah in a very dodgy  European accent 'So I really liked the texture because it has muchos flavour"

30 May 2016

Chalk and Cheese

Today we went to Locke Park in Barnsley. Was a glorious afternoon and the girls had great fun and didn't want to leave. Emily was made up because she finally braved doing a cartwheel since her elbow operation which she has been terrified to do. Her little face beamed when she did it and her arm didn't snap off which is what I'm sure she thought would happen lol
My girls are so different in so many ways yet compliment each other perfectly (most of the time)
Can't wait for the summer holidays to start and we can rack up more fabulous memories in the bank!

29 May 2016

Backyard Playground

It may have been a hell of a slog to get it done (and it's not close to finished yet) but I love seeing the girls playing on their very own swing! I stand with my cup of tea in the kitchen and watch them smiling and laughing and swinging away and my heart bursts. These are memories that will last a lifetime! ❤