The girls have gone out to play in the rain... I don't think they have yet anticipated just how heavy this passing rainstorm is going to be lol
I hear a rumbling in the distance!
24 Jun 2016
It's spitting!
6 Jun 2016
Scarbados - Half Term
We just got back from a great and exhausting three nights away at Aunt Avrils flat at Scarborough. The kids had a great time. We got passes for Haven too so we got to go swimming and to the Showbar on Friday and Saturday night which was an added bonus. We have walked miles, dodged waves, had chocolate donuts, been rock pooling, eaten loads of chips, caught 8 crabs and a jelly fish, ridden the big wheel, walked barefoot down the prom, trawled every gift shop and watched people getting waved on Marine Drive from a safe warm distance 😂 we are all way too tired for this Monday thing but oh well, it's not going to be ignored eh..
31 May 2016
Bake Off Sand
The kids are playing 'Bake Off - Crem de la Crem' with moonsand making three desserts and judging each other 😂 Emily 'The presentation is terrible and I can't taste the banana filling, it's being overpowered' Hannah in a very dodgy European accent 'So I really liked the texture because it has muchos flavour"
30 May 2016
Chalk and Cheese
Today we went to Locke Park in Barnsley. Was a glorious afternoon and the girls had great fun and didn't want to leave. Emily was made up because she finally braved doing a cartwheel since her elbow operation which she has been terrified to do. Her little face beamed when she did it and her arm didn't snap off which is what I'm sure she thought would happen lol
My girls are so different in so many ways yet compliment each other perfectly (most of the time)
Can't wait for the summer holidays to start and we can rack up more fabulous memories in the bank!
29 May 2016
Backyard Playground
It may have been a hell of a slog to get it done (and it's not close to finished yet) but I love seeing the girls playing on their very own swing! I stand with my cup of tea in the kitchen and watch them smiling and laughing and swinging away and my heart bursts. These are memories that will last a lifetime! ❤
23 Apr 2016
Guest is Queen!
Hannah went for her 1st play date at Rebecca Waring's house yesterday. She is absolutely obsessed with this girl who is just as spirited and feisty as she is. She has only ever been on one school play date before so I was drilling the rules and etiquette into her all week. Remember your manners. Flush the toilet. Wash your hands. If dinner is something you don't like try your best to eat it and have a drink to help make it go down. Etc etc.
When I collected her she said she had a great time but Becki was moody allot because Hannah wanted to do one thing and her another. She very hoitily informed me that "guests choose!"
I asked where on earth she had learnt such a thing and that I hoped she hadnt actually SAID that, especially in Rebeccas mums earshot and explained how rude it was.. she shook her head and went quiet. As we was walking from the car to the front door she was trailing behind and when I turned to tell her to get a wriggle on she had ground to a halt and was crying big wet tears! "Hannah what's the matter love?" She managed to sob out "What will I do now? I got it wrong and now they won't want me to go play again.." bless her! I consoled her and explained social blunders are expected at 6 years of age and she is just learning as is all her friends lol she cheered up when I promised to text Rebeccas mum and explain 😊