Hannah loves to copy anything and everything Emily does and has recently started to get right into drawing and colouring (which Emily is always doing) She is starting to get really good at it now which is giving me a great opportunity to teach her her colours.
She concentrates very hard and is happy for ages!
She sticks her tongue out just like her sister does too hehe
While Hannah was busy colouring and i was busy seeing to the animals Emily was quietly drawing at the opposite side of the table. She called me over to take a look at what she had been doing and this is what she showed me!!
Fo Sant and roodolf lryndiay
and inside she had drawn a picture of Roodolf
And written "Luv Emily too Sant" "Hapi Chrismas too sant and roodolf l reyndiay" "ay wot orget yod minspay"
My girl is a genius!!