19 Sept 2011

Lovin it!

Emily is loving school!  During a sit down chat with her teacher Miss Haigh she said Emily was a pleasure to have in her class, she is very thoughtful and is deffinatly the born leader of the group, she takes the other children under her wing and makes sure the teachers take note of other peoples good work by saying thingslike "Miss Haigh, look how beautifull she drew that.." etc.
Im really pleased with the school, they knew things about Emily that can only have come from really taking notice of her.

She has a new best friend called Holly Sawood, she bangs on about her all the time, Holly this, Holly that.  She seems like a nice little girl, maybe a little bit rough and tumble for Emily but she sticks up for them both which is teaching Em valuble skills so thats good. 
Unfortunatly since starting school Emily has missed a fair amount of days due to having a cold and when i have sent her she has come home injured from falling over when she hasnt been 100%.
I had t bring her home on her full first day because when i visited for lunch break she had a nasty graze on her knee and her tights had healed to it and she was a snot monster, she refused to straighten her leg for 2 days, in the end i had to threaten to take her to hospital and we got all the way there and sitting in the waiting room before she gave in and straightened it.  The biggest shame about that was she missed her first school photo that day!

16 Sept 2011

School so far

Emily is loving school!
Me and Nan were not so sure at first, the teachers didnt seem to have much enthusiasm on a morning to encourage the kids and i was a little dissapointed.

Last week however i went for a one on one with Miss Haigh and she said some lovely things about Emily, she is bright and intelligent, very caring, has taken a few children under her wing including a latvian girl who Emily translates for.  They have noticed things like she calls them over to show them how fantastic another child did something instead of the usual behavior of a child that would be more along the lines of "look what i did!"  Apparently she is the only leader in the class which i consider great news as i was worried about her being led by others.

Im so proud of her, she is my little superstar and im just glad these teachers have realised how privalidged they are to spend time with my princess!