31 Mar 2010

Hannahs Heart

Hannah has spent the last week orsoin and out of hospital as they have discovered a med/large hole inher heart that has previously been missed.

The whole thing has been very hard on Emily who has had to get used to me not being around so much as i have been sleeping and spending most of my time at the hospital.
She has been amazing and so understanding, iv sat her down and explained how Hannah has a poorly heart and she is very concerned for her sister and totally understanding as if it was her she would also want Mummy to stay at the hospital with her.

Im so lucky to have my mum who Emily is more than happy with and used to staying at her house, so although it is unsettling for her its not too distressing

30 Mar 2010

Feeding Hannah

Well since we have been home i have been following the hospitals orders to the T, the instructions given were to feed her 75ml every 3 hours day and night, never more never less, Sometimes Hannah enjoys the feed others i feel like im force feeding her and she is so tired because she is not getting a proper sleep and im a walking zombie then at 4am she threw up everywhere! loads of it, i had hardly gotten the bottle to her lips when it happened.

I rang the childrens ward and asked them what they wanted me to do and explained that she seemed to be sick to death of this feeding routine and was advise to relax it a bit and see how she goes for the next couple of days

25 Mar 2010


Well 3 days ago i took Hannah to the doctors as she had been doing this strange cough that was worrying me and Steve and after keeping us up all night on Sunday night i decided enough was enough and took her to the doctors.

He gave her a thorough check-up decided she may have a chest infection or similar and asked if anyone had ever investigated this heart murmur.... "What heart murmur?!"

This was the first we knew of any heart murmur!
He sent me to Dewsbury hospital with Hannah with strict instructions to keep mentioning the heart murmur to ensure it was checked out properly. When we arrived at the hospital they began treating Hannah for suspected Broncilitus with inhallers and kept us in for observations but on day three without warning we were taken to an appointment with specialist Dr Brown to perform an ultrasound on her heart to find out if there was indeed a problem.

It was horrible and seemed to take forever, i could see her little heart chambers pumping away on the screen and was trying to get her to lay as still as possible and the 2 female docotrs were jibbering to each other in medical lingo, she then asked me to dress Hannah and sit down.

Then she broke the bad news, that Hannah has a medium to large hole in her lower two ventricles which had a 50/50 chance of requiring open heart surgery to repair ... You could have run me over with a train and i probably wouldnt have felt anything i was so shocked and upset, this is the kind of thing you read about that happens to other peoples babies...

So she prescribed Hannah with high calorie prescription milk and diuretics to make her wee to prevent her maintaining any extra fluids that would make her heart work overtime and gave us 4 weeks to try feeding her up to see if the hole closed any with weight gain...

16 Mar 2010


Well that was a horrible experience i dont want to repeat in a hurry, Emily suddenly decided as i was about to leave that she didnt really want to stay at nursery today because she didnt know what to play with i asked her friend Macey to look after her and she said "i dont want to" LOL oh great, im mithering now, roll on 4 when i can pick her up!

I later found outi was sat worring for nothing, she came charging out at 4pm full of life and laughter with pen all over her face and paint on her frock, shes been glueing boxes, drawing, painting and playing out with Macey lol


hmm Emily just drew an M and told me it was an M, She then drew and i and asked me what that letter was called then she did an l and asked me again what that one was called, only 2 more to go and she can write her name lol