26 Dec 2009

Let it snow!

Well i looked out of the window this morning and would you believe it the deepest snow iv seen in years! Emily couldnt wait to get out in it and luckily she had two people calling for her early doors, Her Grandad and cousin Jack to ask if she wanted to walk to the garage with them for some milk, Grandad had it all planned out that he could pull her in the sledge when she got tired but she didnt like it so they pulled the milk back on the sledge instead hehe!

25 Dec 2009

Hes Been!

Well Emily was really excited but not nearly as excited as me! I couldnt wait for her to get downstairs and start demolishing wrapping paper!

She got all-sorts from Playmobile sets to her very own make up set!

We also bought her a Black & Decker workbench so she can help Daddy when he is doing DIY and her very own games console with a Dora the explorer game!

She also got a gorgeous fairy dressing up outfit from the Disney store complete with little girl high heels! hehe

24 Dec 2009

Second weigh in

Just had an unexpected visit from the Health Visitor who very kindly weighed Hannah and to my suprise she is now 5lb 1oz !! Crikey, i knew them bottles were going down well but thats 6oz in 5 days! Way to go Hannah! She is a little jaundice but nothing a bit of sunbathing wont fix.

18 Dec 2009

First weigh in

‎4lb 11oz ! LOL still so tiny but going in the right direction, thats all that matters, so shes put on 2oz in the last 10 days (baring in mind she probably lost a few first days) Midwives are so happy with us that she has signed us off Happy Happy!

17 Dec 2009

We wanna go out!

Will finally get to know what Hannah weighs tomorrow, she still has sparrow legs but her little fingers and cheeks have deffinatly filled out a bit. Cant wait till she is a bit stronger and has a bit of meat so i can take her out for the first time, even if it will probably be a trip to Morrisons for essentials lol

14 Dec 2009

Vail Narnish

Me and mum took Emily shopping today and decided big sisters should get to pick and buy there own vail narnish so we did just that, she has even put some vail narnish on Mummy when we got home and i have to say she aint done a bad job!

9 Dec 2009


My family had managed to keep Emily in the dark about what was happening as we expected things to take much longer and didnt want to upset her but when Michelle received my text message with a picture of Hannah she showed it to Emily and explained, Emily was running round squeeling with joy and over the moon she had a baby sister!

It was 6:45pm before we knew it and i asked mum to nip home and bring my dad and Emily up while they had the chance as they move you to the ward at 8pm and no one is allowed in.
It was just gone 7:35pm when i heard footsteps in the coridor and ran out to meet Em who gave me a massive hug then straight away wanted to see Hannah, so she hopped up on the delivery bed with her Dad and looked over the cot and fell in love right away! I didnt get a look in she was so made up with how cute she was and her eyes were like saucers.

Mum had very kindly brought me and Steve a KFC bucket which me and Daddy quickly dispatched.
Emily was mega upset when she had to leave with Nan, Grandad & Daddy as me and Hannah had to be moved up to the ward. The poor little darling had big teary eyes and did not want to leave us but Hannah needed close monitoring due to her being so tiny.

Luckily the following day at 7:30pm they released us from hospital and we came home to a very excited big sister who was super pleased to see us all.
She has been amazing, she loves Hannah so much, im really glad we took so much time and care to involve her in everything and prepared her well by talking about the baby allot, it deffinatly worked, She is more than happy to let me see to Hannah first and has not displayed any jellousy at all infact quite the opposite.

She loves the fact Hannah is wearing some of her old baby clothes and enjoys helping out with fetching and carrying, she strokes her forehead so gently and helps me put cream on her dry belly.
She is also loving having me and Daddy home every day, its going to be a wonderfull Christmas! Were so proud of our girls even though we are still a little in shock!

8 Dec 2009

Here at last!

At 3am on 8th December i went into labour 16 days early.

Lucky how things work out, Emily just happened to be at Nan's for the night as it was Daddys day off and we planned a nice lie in and a xmas shopping trip, however that was rudely interupted hehe. After labouring at home till 11am we organised for my sister Michelle to come and take over looking after Emily who at this point was still oblivious to what was going on next door and me Daddy and Nan snook off to the hospital, it must have been just before 1pm when we arrived and i was only 2cm dilated but was kept on a heart monitor as the babys heart rate kept dipping dramatically with each contraction.

At around 2pm i was moved up to the delivery suite as they had decided i was in labour (i didnt need them to tell me that!) I was hooked up to the monitor again and had to lay on my left hand side which made the contractions worse as i couldnt move around during them to ease the pain. I was in agony with ever pain so when i was offered pain releif i took it this time.

All the medical team was still talking about c-sections and wouldnt let me have anything to drink so when my mum put a wet babygrow on my forehead to cool me down i grabbed the opportunity to suck as much water out as i could, all i could taste was wash powder but it was heaven!

About 3:30pm i told the midwives i could feel the baby pushing down and felt like i needed to push, they finally gave me some gas & air at this point and called for a doctor to come and examine me, i was 5cm dilated but now getting the urge to push and with the next few pains pushed and my waters went.

All of a sudden loads of people came rushing in, there was a lady on my left asking if i had ever had a blood transfusion, someone on my right yanked my right arm in the air and rammed a canular in the back of my hand while another nurse informed everyone in the room "there is some bleeding down here doctor!"

They was preping everything to rush me to theatre!
I screamed that it was really hurting and i needed to push, they told me to breath through it as they didnt the baby to too far down in the birth canal as they wanted to take me to theatre, however on my next contraction the doctor decided to see what happened and told me i could push which i did with all my might and out flew Hannah, a beautifull tiny 4lb 9oz baby girl, perfectly healthy and in good voice and very hungry!