31 Jul 2007

Favorite Toys

Along with Baby Ted who has always been a firm favorite you loved hanging about in your pram with your legs hanging over your pram rattle happily playing away
Your favorite play gym toy was Mr Sunshine, im not sure why he is not on this picture, he is probably in your pram where you had him last
Lucky for you Nanna and Grandad have an extra large doorway in the living room which was perfect for your door bouncer, the only problem was every time Ziggy pushed past you she would send you into a spin!
When Nanna gave you your first doll you looked at us all confused as if we had given you a real baby and spent a long time studying its face. When you finally decided to have a closer look you picked her up and started sucking her head haha

7 Jul 2007

First Holiday - Bridlington

When you were 6 months old me your Dad, Nan and Grandad booked a caravan at Bridlington for the week, we dropped onto some decent weather and had a really nice week although sleeping arrangements were a little tight. We had taken along a travel cot for you to sleep in but it was too wide to fit down the side of the bed in the big bedroom but me and Nanna went shopping and happened upon a longer thinner travel cot that worked a treat although you much prefered your comfy cot at home!

We took your favorite play gym with us along with a great big bag of toys and it was during this holiday you first rolled over all by yourself! You never did like being on your front though and belly flopped about like a paniced seal until someone put you back on your back again

You had your first sink bath in the caravan and really enjoyed it, splashing about and squealing. You was such a clever girl already and knew you musnt touch the taps!

On one of the days we stopped off to enjoy a cream bun and a cup of tea on the pier and you enjoyed having a little drink of your Dad's cup of tea