22 Feb 2007

Ziggy and Romeo

Towards the back end of my pregnancy we had an invasion of mice in our house! It was a nightmare, they were into everything.

One day i heard a racket in the living room and ran in to find Ziggy in your prematurely prepared moses basket and went mad thinking she was planning on using it as a bed but when i tried to push her out of it she was going frantic and when i managed to get past her i realised she had caught a mouse in there!!!

After that she was obsessed with your Mosses basket and it worried me that when you were born and sleeping in it we may have problems, on top of the normal problems we anticipated due to the pups feeling left out.

We decided it was best for Ziggy and Romeo to live with Nan & Grandad for a couple of weeks after bringing you home to give us a chance to settle in and them a chance to smell your clothes and get used to your scent before we introduced them.

When you was 3 weeks old and after a small introduction that went well we decided they could come home again and it didn't take Ziggy long to realise you were no threat, in fact you made a comfy warm pillow!